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Tracie Giles London | wins four National Hair & Beauty Awards

After an incredibly difficult two years for the beauty industry, with lockdown restrictions forcing clinic doors closed all over the UK for more than a year, the National Hair & Beauty Awards couldn’t have come at a better time to give the entire industry a much needed boost.

Tracie Giles Awards Tracie Giles Awards


Team TG were so excited to find out we had been nominated for five industry awards, and the excitement only grew when the Awards Ceremony day came and Tracie headed to Wembley with our Marketing Manager Emily!

We couldn’t quite believe it when, thanks to all of Team TG’s hard work, we WON the most awards at this year’s ceremony, scooping up not one, not two, not three…but FOUR prestigious awards!

National Hair & Beauty Awards

  • Gold Award for Training School of the Year⁠
  • Silver Award for Beauty Salon of the Year⁠
  • Silver Award for Medical Aesthetic Clinic of the Year⁠⁠
  • Silver Award for Service Excellence

We are so honoured to have been recognised at such a prestigious industry awards event and need to thank all of Team TG for keeping Tracie Giles London the NUMBER ONE clinic for Permanent Makeup & Aesthetics in the UK!

We are so excited for 2022 and fingers crossed for some more incredible awards!