
Will you be sun stripping this summer?!

Will you be sun stripping this summer?!

TG Brows – check

TG Liquid look permanent eyeliner – check

TG Gloss & Go smudge proof lips – check

…So you’re beach proof, sweat-proof and pool party-proof, but don’t forget the finishing touches!



Each year we see so many new makeup trends arise, some good and some bad, and 2016 is going to be the same. A hot new trend that we feel is going to be a real hit with everyone is ‘Sun Stripping’.

So we’ve all just about managed to master the strobing technique and now it’s time to switch things up and start Stripping. Stripping is definitely the new Strobing and it’s super easy to do, so let us talk you through it and how to achieve it.

Sun Stripping is basically a new placement for bronzer that’s very flattering and super quick to do, all you need to do to achieve this is bronze where the sun would hit your face when you lay in it. You know those horrible burnt areas you usually get after not putting enough SPF on? Well it’s those areas and although you’re probably thinking that’s going to look pretty silly it actually doesn’t and looks super natural.



Step 1 Grab yourself a matt bronzer and a flat brush

Step 2 Swirl your brush into the bronzer and tap off any excess (it is important you tap off the excess as we don’t want harsh stripes appearing on the face)

Step 3 Take your brush and sweep it from one cheek, across the bridge of the nose to the other cheek

Step 4 Buff in with a soft fluffy brush to soften and to make it super natural and sun kissed

It is as simple as that and you now look like a gorgeous beach babe!

We love this new trend because it’s so easy to do and it’s a very soft, natural look. If you really want to go the extra mile you could also add a little highlighter on the high points of your cheek bones, brow bone and cupids bow to really glisten in the sun but if you want to keep it simple then stick with the Sun Stripping and you will look amazing.

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